Friday 11 February 2011

The Puzzle Gang and The Teenagers


Ok. I apologise in advance for everyone reading this. I was told that my blogs were too aggressive and that I needed to compensate. Here you go.


Once upon a time in greater London there was a park called winky-woo. It was a fabulous place, located in central Hampshire right next to the model train shop and the café. Children loved it there as they played and they danced till nightfall, not scared of murderers or rapists, because the wise ice cream seller James had found them all many years ago, snuck into their homes at night, and had them all put to death.

However all this enjoyment and all this fun enjoyed by the children was nothing compared to that felt by the animals. There was pom-pom the rabbit, roodoodoo the dog, cazcan the bird, and Jeremy, the old but not quite yet senile wide mouthed frog.

Every day they would meet by the pond, and laugh about how relaxing their lives were. They were simple people, not worried by recession or growing food shortages, since they were all vegetarian, and lived only on a diet, of organic celery.

One day the ice cream seller came up to them with a big smile on his face.
“Hello! Would you like some ice cream?” said James, the ice cream seller.
“Oh yes James! By the way, we really like the way you took time to learn our language!” said the animals in unison.
 “Well I have something special for you today!”
“Oh boy! Is it celeriac again?” Replied the animals brightly.
“No, this time it’s a special brew of my own, I call it ‘puzzle wuzzle’, and it tastes really yummy!”
“Ok James! Just this once!”

As the animals ate the ice cream, they began to feel very strange. Pom-pom the rabbit started to grow longer ears and his tail became fluffier! Roodoodoo the dog became much taller and his legs became stronger! Cazcan the bird’s wings got longer and more majestic, and her eyes became bigger! Jeremy the frog became much more up on his hind legs, and his tongue became much longer!

“Wow James! What did that marvellous ice cream to do us?” asked pom-pom
“Well pom-pom, you are now all superheroes! You can now do battle with the evils of the park!”
“Brut James, there ris no evil in this parrk!” barked Roodoodoo
“Hahaha Roodoodoo, there’s always things that need to be done in the park! What about now! Quick animals! A girl is about to be shoved into that pond by those evil teenagers!” said James, as quick as he could.
“MY YOUR’E RIGHT JAMES! WE’LL GET RIGHT ON IT!” chanted the animals.

Cazcan opened her wings and glided over to catch the girl. Pom-pom bounded over to the teenagers and used her fluffle-freeze powers to stop them in their tracks. Roodoodoo ran to the girl to make sure she was ok, and Jeremy leapfrogged to the pond and used his super-tongue to round up the evil teenagers, so that they could not escape.

“Well done animals! You have proved yourselves to be guardians of the park. There will be no more illegal activities in the park with you around! Just remember, whenever you catch someone, bring them straight to me, I will sort them out!!!” said James.

That’s it for this week, but come back soon for the next adventures of the puzzle-wuzzle gang.

Next week: what will they do when Islamic extremists try to eat their lunch on the bench! All will be revealed soon!!

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