Monday 10 January 2011

Life on Mars

A couple of times ago I wrote about my adventure in Wandsworth Primark, the sorry story of Christmas shopping in Wandsworth. However, after I wrote that, I have felt guilty. Guilty that I have pored scorn over a small bit of Wandsworth in a shopping centre. But my guilt is less about my hatred of Primark, and more that I centred on it without mentioning the rest of the town.

Let’s start with the layout.

In the area where I live, roads are set out interestingly. There are bends, straights, corners and many variations upon a theme. None of these are in Wandsworth. Everything is set out in blocks. There is no rest, no change, its just squares everywhere.

You can go on Google earth and see for yourself. I tried to put pictures but Tumblr wouldn’t let me. Bastard.

Notice the difference. And despair.

Now for the people.

Commenting on other people is a touchy subject. While I do not want to start a war over these things, I really do have to get these facts out.

If you read the last one, you would know about the earing pillock with 2 earrings in 1 ear. Yet I suspect he is among the saner people in the population. Every person there seems to be either polish, a single mum, an ex convict, or someone kicked out of somewhere better for not paying the rent. I walked through the shopping centre and marveled at how everyone seemed to have tried really hard to make themselves as sub-normal as they possibly could. The shopping centre was called “southside”, because its in the south I presume, and it was full of everything the modern day thicko needs to survive. KFC, primark and a poundshop. While I know that most of the people reading this like these places, I’m pretty sure that they are not a crucial part of life. There are other places you can go, and you do. In wandsworth, people don’t.

Then theres the general feel of the place.

Walk down the road and there will be many small businesses. Fine. But in almost everywhere else in the country there will always be a HMV or some other chain to cancel these out.

This is no chance in wandsworth. Its like everyone from every council block simply poured out onto the street and made a company. And all of these companies look like someone threw a frag bomb into their shop window, which in wandsworth, is probably what happened.

Then theres the thousands of council blocks. Walk down any street you like and you will see at least 2 twenty storey buildings. Even southside is right next to one.

Even though I had extreme fear of getting my head chopped off, I decided to back these things up by exploring.

God I wish I hadn’t. Everywhere looked like someone had spent all their time to make it as easy as possible for spike and jedd to spring from the shadows with a big spiky knife. Theres also the look of it, chuck a frag grenade into a stank arabic cesspit and you get the idea. It was like the designer simply got his 3 year old kid to draw a house, then popped outside for a fag and hit the magic auto repeat and complete button. It all looks the goddamn same.

I loathed wandsworth. I have thought for a long time for a positive feature to say about it and I came up with nothing. It is a town so completely fucked that it has lost all redeaming features. Yes it has a low council tax, and that’s why it can’t afford anything. And for those of you who will inevitably call be a bigoted twat for saying these things, go check it out for yourselves, but don’t say I didn’t warn you if you don’t make it back. 

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