Monday 6 December 2010

Slipknot is a Culture, Says Slipknot Member

Today I was going to write this blog about trying to buy a mobile phone. I wrote up a plan, and had all the elements perfectly fitted together. But then I saw something on my homepage that changed everything. The headline was as follows:

Slipknot is not a Band, it’s a Culture, says Percussionist Clown

To put this into context, in May Slipknot their bassist, Paul Gray (RIP), due to an accidental drug overdose. So nobody knows what’s going to happen to them, whether they’ll continue with a new bassist, or if they’ll pack it in altogether. Since Slipknot call themselves a “family” and Paul was their “brother” many people say that they won’t want to carry on without him. And now some band members are coming together saying that they are going to make new material. But the rest of the (ex nine piece) band are backing out. Which is fairly stupid since all of their side projects are either crap or unknown. Except for (DJ. Yes, for some reason they have a DJ) Sid Wilson, who I hear, has a fairly large cult following in China.

The article was essentially one of the (many) band members glorifying his band. By the way, the Percussionist Clown wears a clown mask and hits beer kegs. I’m serious; they have a fully paid up (founding) member who runs around screaming and hitting beer kegs, for “stage presence". I looked up his kit list and his other drums cost £849, £799 and £249. That’s extraordinary. What makes it even more absurd is that he is only 1 of 2 members who hit these things. They also have a regular drummer. However, I do like Slipknot’s music, even if they are a bit… unusual.

But the thing that really smacked me about the article wasn’t the article at all. It was the comments. Nobody was talking about the article. It was all bitching about Slipknot, with people berating them about their image. Calling them “grown men in Halloween masks” and other general insults, nothing about the article. Even worse one of the people (Kanthras) had commented 15 times. That’s exceptional.

Why do these people do this? When you think about it, the Slipknot-Hater needs to click the article, read it, think up insults, and then post them. Who has the time to do this? These people had also rated the column 4/10 even though there was nothing in the article to warrant such a low grade. I thought it was well written, and was sufficiently detailed to clearly give its point.
When I see an article about Green Day or Keisha I simply don’t read it. I see no reason to look through it, dreaming up insults for the readers. What reason is there to do this? There are many things I want to do, or need to do. I can only assume that these people have such empty lives that they think it’s a good way to spend their time. I can sum these people up in one maxim:

A person who goes to extreme length to prove a point, even when there is no point to be proved. They believe they are elevated mentally above regular people, and spend long periods of time attempting to support this.

This is derived from the dictionary definition of a sociopath. And that suits everyone nicely. Since sociopaths have a large capacity for aggressive behaviour, they should not be exposed to the public. Using this logic, anyone who puts dumb comments onto the internet should be imprisoned. That way there is no more comment spam, or street stabbings, because the people who do these things are all in prison. Everybody wins.

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