Thursday 16 December 2010

A Really Good Half Page Space Filler

I wasn't going to post this on blogger, i was just gonna keep it to Tumblr. This was me saying that i couldn't write anything so i was just getting out what i could.

Its still awesome

I first want to point out that it’s been a real struggle to get the blog done this week. On the page before this is a plan about how Christmas has now become commercialized. But somehow I can’t get anything written. I simply stare at the keyboard hoping for something inspiring to come from it. Even writing this intro is bugging me out.
As usual I have a weird explanation for this. The last week has been that of my mocks, every day was a pressure on my brain and most of the time I kept going and hoped for the best. I feel I did well. However, on the Friday, I came home and was a dumb shit. What I think happened was that I was thinking so much that I ran out of all cleverness and turned into a useless pile of crap.
When I was talking to my friend about something, I should remember but I can’t, whenever he told me to do anything I would either do the wrong thing, do the right thing at the wrong time, or nothing altogether. This made him quite angry. Normally I would have put a joke there about this but I really can’t think of anything.
Some would say that I should just wait until I get my thinking back before writing. But since it might be a while, I figured I’d just do something and hope for the best.
This isn’t anywhere near the best. This is shit.
But in a good researching way, I’ve looked into why this might be. Eventually I came across biorhythms. These are things that apparently control the Zen of our spirits or some weird Chinese zodiac shit like that. Turns out that on Friday, the day of my transformation from keen journalistic human into a brainless jellyfish, my physical one was down, and after that my intellectual and emotional ones went down. They are due to get back somewhere good again on Thursday, the day after I’m writing this.
Great. So all I had to do was wait another day. Impatience for the win.

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